PyroPet Bibi Bird Candles

Bíbí means "birdie" in Icelandic.
Bíbí means "birdie" in Icelandic.
  • Bibi Neo Mint
    Bibi Neo Mint

    Bibi Neo Mint

    Regular price £12.50
  • Side view of vibrant yellow bird shaped pyropet candle that has a lit wick.
    Side view of melted yellow bird shaped candle. When the wick is lit, watch it melt away to reveal a metal skeleton frame.

    Bibi Yellow

    Regular price £12.50
  • Side view of mint bird shaped pyropet candle that has a burning wick.
    Side view of burning mint bird shaped candle. As the wax melts a metal skeleton frame is revealed.

    Bíbí Mint

    Regular price £12.50